Wednesday, 12 January 2011

2011 - new year, high expectations!

Hi everyone - last night about 20 of us gathered at The Bell Inn in Thetford to hear the plans we have for Hope Church this year. You'll see them elsewhere on this website but, to be honest, I think we're all pretty excited!

We're using Tuesday evenings up to March to have our Vision and Values course - so everyone who's joined up so far will know what they are letting themselves in for! Our New Frontiers distinctives will be made nice and clear.

Over March and April, I'm so glad that Grantley Watkins and his team will be doing JC21 with us. We'll be going public on Sunday afternoons, meetings at the Carnegie Room and I hope loads and loads of people come along! We're so serious about our mission to the town.

Then, in the autumn, the church will be laying on an Alpha Course for anyone and everyone intereasted in discussing and exploring the life-changing truths of the Christian faith.

We're now big enough to absorb visitors on Tuesday nights without them sticking out like a sore thumb. So, if you're reading this and are interested, please drop me an e-mail or, even better, come along and meet us all.

It's going to be a busy but a highly satisfying year I think.